Friday, December 15, 2006

6 weird things about me

I was tagged by Frannie Farmer of You Can't Unscramble Scrambled Eggs fame a few days ago to write about 6 weird things about me. I am having some difficulty with it, since, frankly, I do not think I am weird. I am completely normal, the rest of the friggen' world is weird. But.....I am sure that YOU all would be able to note some weird traits about me. If there are any I have missed, please feel free to bunch of weirdos...........

Weird Things About Me

1. I love the cream filled chocolates in the box of know, the ones other people bite into and throw in the, I don't take them OUT of the garbage and eat them, (thinking of George of Seinfeld and the half eaten donut), but I would never throw one INTO the garbage.

2. I have an office supply fetish. I love office supplies. I carry a ziploc bag full of markers and pens and highlighters and crap in my bag to work. I also carry kids stickers to hand out at work. And I don't let my OWN kids used any of it!

3. I am a blog addict. But none of you think that is weird, do you. What is weird is that I don't understand why lay people are not as interested in it as I am. You would think they would find it really interesting to read what is going on in my crazy little mind.

4. I am a nurse, and that just makes me weird about certain things. I have this strange compulsion to see what is lurking inside boils, pimples, and generally any festering wound that I may find. I should have actually been a pathologist.

5. I collect craft supplies. I have boxes of yarn, cross stitch patterns, kits, knitting needles and crochet hooks of all sizes. I do crafts a bit. I love to do them, but even if I live to be 125, I doubt I will ever use it all up.

6. I have a thing about patterns and numbers. I know that is some psychological disorder. I don't care.

I guess I need to tag someone.........hmmmmmm........not sure who reads here everyday and who hasn't done this already. What the heck, if you want to join in, consider yourself tagged.....



Anonymous said...

I am not sure that any of those actually makes you weird. But ok. Thanks for playing :)

livewithrealme said...


Creative-Type Dad said...

That boil thing is just plain weird. One of these days you'rr going to find an alien growing in somebody and then you'll be sorry!!

The Mom said...

I love that you carry markers and stickers around - that is too fun :) I want you to be my kids nurse :)

Anonymous said...

i love love love office supplies.