Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.

Seems that things had really settled down. Until another crap load of lemons hit. That was Friday night. I won't go into details, there are more details over at Imperfect Perfections.

So basically, the events of the past week have driven me out of my mind. I haven't been able to be very creative, and I really didn't want to litter this blog with anymore anger and bitterness than I had already done......so, I am taking five. I hope to be back tomorrow or the next day with a decent, fun, funny, insightful post. Of course, Thursday is guest post day, if anyone is interested?????


MommyHeadache said...

Hi there, just came across your blog. Very intriguing. Will be back to see if you return to sanity soon.

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

So sorry I missed the guest-blog opportunity! I'm feeling overwhelmed and underproductive this time of year!