Thursday, August 04, 2005

Sometimes you are the windshield, sometimes you are the bug

Either way, it pretty much sucks.

I do not understand what makes being the windshield seem to be so appealing. Yes, you are big and strong. You resist the forces of nature. Even if you are cracked, you can still get your job done. You are protective to those who stand behind you. But none of that changes the fact that you are usually covered in the dried, hollow corpses of the bugs that have come up against you. You are filthy and nasty. No amount of windshield wiper fluid ever makes you feel clean. There is always some nastiness around the edges.

I think I have actually known some windshields in my life.

On the other hand, you can be the bug. Your life is carefree. You fly and flit from place to place doing what bugs are supposed to do. Maybe you are looking for a beautiful field of fresh smelling wild flowers to do some cross pollunating. Or, you are looking for a warm steaming fresh pile of dung to feast on. You enjoy your spot in life and gladly carry out your business........until you happen across that highway.........then thing you know, your brains are leaking out of your ass.

I definitely know I have had days like this.


Monica said...

Well I want to be the rock... the one that just lays around on the road doing nothing all day... basking in the sun and then suddenly, you go hurling through the year and crack the windshield and show the dang windshield that he too can crack!

Monica said...

And I'm so glad you got the old format for comments back! Woo hoo!

Monica said...

PS... year=air in my first post ;) LOL... I should be teaching English ;).

Monica said...

Rissy... what are you doing commenting on hooters of young boys? Tee hee!