Saturday, September 13, 2008

Who am I kidding??? I am not a blogger......

I don't feel like a blogger anymore. I don't have the inspiration to write. There are times in the day when something crosses my mind and I think, "That would make a good blog topic" only to either forget or realize how ridiculous the idea in the first place.

I read the odd blog here and there....keeping up with my faves such as, Oh, The Joys, The Estrogen Files, Cheaper Than Therapy, Kevin Charnas, Crunchy Carpets, Melanie in Orygun, Plain Jane Mom, and Sangria Lover.

I have written the odd post over at my alter-ego, Imperfect Perfections, but those can end up being on the depressing side.

I am looking for something creative. I have this itch, this need, to be creative. I want to write. I have written a few blog entries that have been not too bad, but I can't seem to keep those creative juices flowing. I am taking a course in photography because I love creating beautiful photos and I want to transition from nursing to photography someday. I cook. I cook a lot. Jacques and I cooked together and considered buying a small bistro here, then he had to go back to Chicago when his visa ran out. I don't like the cooking so much by myself.

I need some suggestions, some ideas, help me be inspired again to write.

I know I don't have a ton of readers, but I am going to ask you, the ones who may read this, to help me. I want you to ask me questions... give me a topic... show me a picture.... anything to help me start writing again.


Mel said...

Doll, this is your space to write whatever you want - even to write the statement that you're not inspired to write.
With that said, at one time I was using this writing prompt generator on an infrequent basis, and am, in fact, about to start dipping into it again.
I find that it kind of ebbs and flows, the desire to write and be creative.
As for questions for you, how about this? Your favorite memory from childhood and how it impacts you today?

Jacques said...

And then Chere there is that new little activity you've taken on that you are showing great vision in

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel...lately I too have found it hard to type something that isn't just a journal sit down with something thought out.

and not just moan and groan.

read the other blogs...see what topic gets you...try writing on a particular subject...get the gears grinding..

I so admire those bloggers out there who can really really write.

Anonymous said...

I'm also having a hard time coming up with anything to say. I find it works best if I just leave it...

Smalltown RN said...

You know I think we all go through this...but then we have to think about why we blog in the first place.....because we want to....because we have something we want to say.....there have been many times I haven't posted just because I had nothing to say....when the ideas comes I blog..if they don't I just surf the blog world.....thanks for dropping by my blog and for leaving a comment...