Friday, February 23, 2007

Instant Messaging Faux Pas

I don't know how many of you use MSN or Yahoo instant messaging, but I do. I use it a LOT. NewMan and I chat there all day from his work. There are a few other people that come online there to chat too. That is where things can get interesting.

I was chatting away nicely with one person......enjoying my chat. When another chatter pops in. I try to have polite chat with that person, but my mind is clearly not in it. Both of these people know each other. I get a message from the first person, kinda irritated me....I open window to second person to make an offhand sarcastic remark about first person.......unknown to me, first person had sent another offhand sarcastic remark typed into the message box of first person and sent to them. Geezus H I have completely insulted the person I was talking to......not good. Not intentional. Just being my sarcastic pain in the ass self.

A few rules to follow when instant messaging:

1) Never make a comment about a person you are actually talking to, to another person
2) Check the window you are typing in before hitting send
3) Never say anything about anyone that you wouldn't say to their face
4) Never leave a bowl of water boiling in the microwave then have a chatting crisis.... you will lose a friend and melt your microwave at the same time.....and trust me, both stinks.........


OhTheJoys said...

I embarassed myself just yesterday with the effing IM.

Anonymous said...

I know you believe in total honesty Iris, so who can fault you for being completely honest?! Be proud of one of your many virtues!! Everyone around you will appreciate it, too!

Iris said...

Jess, it wasn't really an embarassment, it was mean and unfounded. I was being a Mean Girl. Not nice.......

Honesty Can Bite, I am proud of being honest about things, but in this case, it wasn't about honesty, it was about being annoyed and about me being Mean Spirited.

Anonymous said...

OUCH... I've almost had that same fauxpas myself.

Frannie Farmer said...

Yikes. So glad I don't IM!

Mother Jones RN said...

I never IM. My mind isn't fast enough to keep up with everyone popping in and out of the conversation. I don't know how my kids can talk on the phone while IM-ing all their friends at once.


Iris said...

Becky, wouldn't have mattered if I hadn't said something mean

Frannie & MJ, I love IM and was my first love on the internet, the chatting. MJ, my mind was fast, but fingers were faster, that is why I sent it to the wrong person.

The Mom said...

ooops - I hate it when that happens...... Hopefully your friend will forgive your momentary lapse???

Diana said...

I think that's why I stopped Iming all together, that had happened to me once but I caught it just before i sent it, I didn't want to go through that...
I hoe your friend can forgive you!

Iris said...

Well, Diana, I am not really looking for forgiveness, or justification, or anything, really. It is out there, pretty hard to take back. I live with those consequences